
Friday, 12 July 2013

Tears of Blood

One of the worst dreams that I had as a child was a simple one.  A close up of my mother’s face.  But she was not looking at anybody in particular. But she was crying, and had been crying for a while. So much so that the tears had turned to blood, because that is how long she had been crying. I am usually able to understand most of my dreams.  I knew that this one meant that I had caused her too much pain, and I honestly tried to be “good” as soon as I had that dream.  It was a haunting image…the red tinged streams of tears.

What has been your worst dream?


  1. I believe in the power of our dreams and always seek to interpret them and find the meaning and what I can learn from it ~ Your blog is very interesting and I look forward to reading more!! Judi

  2. I tend to remember a lot of my dreams. I am currently on leave from work and I miss running to my neighbouring colleague every morning and telling her of the strange and sometimes entertaining things my mind came up with while I slept.
