
Friday, 26 July 2013

"First Impressions"

     What do the words “First Impressions” mean to you? For me, I first think of the title Jane Austen originally had in mind for Pride and Prejudice. Today, as I was laying out a set of hand-me-downs for the next size up from what my baby girl is currently wearing, I noticed the clothing tag near the neckline of this little onesie: “First Impressions”. I was thrilled of course that my child would be wearing something that is remotely Jane Austen related. But I also thought of my first impressions of her, my little flower: my initial thoughts when I found out I was expecting, my first ultrasound where I prayed to hear the doctor say that there was a heartbeat, the first initial nudges from her on the other side of my belly button, her contented face when she was laid upon me after her arrival, her pink glow in the incubator when I first visited her in the neonatal intensive care unit, all those moments when she fell asleep on me or near me. I am under her spell…


  1. Your little flower is indeed lucky to have a Mom who is spellbound, in love with every moment. No doubt, she will always feel that love as she grows into a beautiful woman herself, just like her Mom. She will continue to make impressions in your heart each and every day :) Soak up every moment as it goes much too quickly ~ Judi

  2. Thank you Judi. You are correct; she already seems too grown up :(
