
Friday, 19 July 2013

Splintered Family

I was listening to a podcast recently by Lynette Corolla and Teresa Strauser, where they talked about their difficult relationship with their parents. They discussed that in their childhood things stopped being celebrated, something that I could relate to.  It is one of those things that we had to let go.  The next thing we let go was eating together, because our parents had different work schedules.  Now our family seems splintered.  My mother left my father and she is avoiding anything having to do with him, including visiting my sister and my niece.  The reason?  At the risk of losing my only follower ...Well, I am too ashamed and deeply saddened to explain any of it.  It suffices to say that it is positively Shakespearean.  Tolstoy said something to the effect of "all families are the same, and unhappy in the same way".  I don't know what he would have said if he met my family.  My family is a wasp nest and my very sanity at times has felt endangered (but more on that next post). 


  1. I could have written much of this post myself, though you are much more eloquent. It only took one or two incidents for my family to become splintered. The closeness I thought was there, I realize now, was not and the need to be close was not the same for others of the family. I understand too that some things are too personal to share but it is not for me to make a judgement and certainly would not cause me to loose interest in your writings.

    1. I think in our case it was an incident on top of other incidents stacked on top of other incidents. I think I may be attempting to trace the fragmentary nature of my family. Not the family I have created with my Mr. Darcy and little one, but the other one where I was a child.
