Today I spent a lovely
afternoon in the park with my family; the one I created, not the one I was
thrust into. I didn’t realize that going to the park is a possibility with a
newborn. My husband and I sat or lay on the picnic blanket, reading while our dear
flower napped. We were in the shade of a deciduous tree, the kind that look
like their leaves are from a different realm when positioned against the blue
sky. Light breeze. Three separate wedding couples getting photographed not too
far away. A small artificial brook making music. A harp (no really!). An older
couple sitting affectionately on a bench by the pathway. Some small children
and their guardians at the thing that looks like abstract art, masquerading as
a playground. People in the spring, summer and autumn of their lives. This park
where all seasons intersect, is quite dear to my husband and I.
Lovely ~ I went to a wedding not long ago that had a Harpist playing during the reception and it really was angelic ~ No doubt it added a different feeling to your visit to the park ~ how nice!